If you've never had a Past Life Regression (PLR) before, you probably have a lot of questions about how the process works. You may be afraid of what you'll see or are afraid that you may end up singing and dancing like Elvis in the middle of my office.
I assure you, your subconscious will protect you from seeing anything traumatic and because you are in control during the entire session, you likely won't be singing and dancing. Instead, you'll be seeing your soul in another body, in another time and place.
Getting Started
The average Past Life Regression therapy session lasts about 2 hours. When you arrive to my office, or connect online, we'll spend a few minutes reviewing your goals and what you hope to get out of the session. At this time, you'll share what it is you're hoping see in your past life.
You may ask if you're on the right path, why you have difficulty with a certain person in your life, why you have chronic pain, or you just have a genuine curiosity. We can typically address up to three questions while in session.
We begin with ab0ut 45 minutes to an hour with a gentle induction to get you to relax and then move into a deepener to get you into a hypnotic, or trance-like state. This state is not sleep nor is it completely awake. It's that gentle area that you often feel right before you fall asleep. You're completely aware of your surroundings and your body's faculties, but you're also focused on the sound of my voice.
The Hypnotic State
Once you are in a hypnotic state, I will guide you to a time in one of your lives that is of importance. Sometimes our guides also known as, Spirit Guides, choose for us and sometimes we can request to see a certain life based on what we feel we need to explore.
For example, I have always felt like I had a deep soul connection to my best friend in this life, and I asked my guides to show me a life where she played an important role. Not only was I shown that life, I was also shown some scenes of things that tie into my current life that offered some clarity. You can listen to that session by clicking here. That's the interesting thing about your guides. They know exactly what you need and are happy to share it with you.
Once we arrive to the life you'll be exploring, I will ask you some questions about what you're seeing, hearing, feeling, sensing, or knowing. It's important to understand that not every person receives the information from their past life in the same way. For me, for example, I see slow-motion scenes while also having a direct communication with my guides that are helping to answer the questions. If you've ever listened to my sessions you'll often hear me say, "I'm hearing XYZ." Sometimes I don't hear anything right away and it comes later.
Some clients of mine have reported seeing the life play out like a dream. While others don't "see" anything, they just have a knowing or a feeling of every moment. However it comes to you, is the right way. Don't be frustrated if it's not the way you hoped it would be, you'll still receive the messages you need to hear.
During this life you have entered into, we will explore your home, your family, who you're with, if you're male or female, as well as how you're feeling in each scene. We'll visit many important points in that life, leading up to the day of the death, and finally, up into the Spirit Realm.
The Spirit Realm
Once you arrive to the Spirit Realm, we'll call in your your Spirit Guides, passed loved ones, or others of importance. The important thing to note about Spirit Guides is you may have one, two, or many of them. It all depends on where your journey through ascension is. There are also no limitations as to how your Spirit Guides will appear to you.
One of my Spirit Guides is a beautiful dark-skinned woman with curly black hair, a beautiful smile, and just the right amount of attitude. She looks similar to the AI image below. As beautiful as the woman is in the photo, my guide is breathtakingly beautiful. Her counterpart, is the complete opposite.
He's a shorter looking man with slicked back hair with a bold widow's peak, and he's a little on the chubby side. While the other guide is more sassy, he is a bit shy but also very warm and comforting. They both share some wonderful perspectives and balance each other out very nicely.
I had a client whose guide looked similar to a giant beetle with antennae and all. Another client simply noted balls of light with varying shades of color. Just know that whatever you see, sense, or know is unique and just right for you.
Once we're with your Spirit Guide(s). We'll ask them why you were shown that particular life, how it ties into your current life, and what you can do to apply any lesson learned from that life. This is the time where we'll also ask those questions you had, if they haven't already been answered during the session. That's the funny thing about our guides. They already know our intentions. They know that you're coming for a session, and they're already prepared for this. They've just been waiting on you!
Lastly, we'll ask your guides to give space for any loved ones that may want to step through and pass on any messages. In each of my sessions, I have had either my dad or one of my beloved pets step in. These moments can be very healing, especially if you're having difficulty navigating through grief.
Saying Our Farewells
As the session comes to a natural close, we'll ask the guides one more time if there is anything else you need to know. Your guides are pretty clear and will either answer with a simple yes or no. We'll thank them for joining us and anyone else that stepped through for you and then we'll slowly bring you out of a hypnotic state, back into your body.
It's not uncommon to feel a bit groggy when you emerge from hypnosis. After a few minutes, though, you'll be fully awake and often feel rested as if you took a nice nap! It's important that after emerging, you drink plenty of water to flush out any negativity or toxins that you've been carrying and need to be released, just as you would with a massage.
After you awaken a bit, and have some water, we'll have a brief discussion of what you experienced. Don't worry if you find you start forgetting the details of your session. Just like when you wake up in the morning, sometimes the dreams you have disappear from memory. In time, you will recall certain details. I will also record our session for you to listen to as often as you like to gain additional insight.
Many people have also described what's called a "download" for weeks, months, or even years after a session that things begin to "click" and you may find that your Spirit Guides continue to speak through you.
No Limits
As you can imagine, the earth, as young as she is, has been around for a very long time. As such, your soul has likely lived just as long, if not longer. There are no limits as to how many PLR sessions you can have, because each one is meaningful and insightful, you can do so as often as you like.
In fact, there are other hypnotherapy sessions that you can experience such as a Life Between Lives session, where you travel back to the spirit realm and learn why you choose a certain life. A Womb Session, where you go back to your mother's womb in this life and find out why you chose this life and your parents. A Dream/Memory Session, where we can go back to a dream or memory you had and understand it a bit more, as well as healing sessions for when you're experiencing pain in this life that may relate to a past life.
As your practitioner, I cannot guarantee who or what you will see/experience in any session, as it is different for many people, however, I can guarantee that you will walk away with a better understanding of yourself.
Schedule Your Session Today!
Ready to experience a previous life, meet your guides, and learn some valuable lessons? Set up your Past Life Regression Session today.